Monday, August 24, 2009


DEEP SIGH... Its been 8 days now I have found some kind of Joy in each day and made dinner to many it might not sound like a big deal but to me its HUGE. For dinner tonight its Lemon chicken - corn on the cob- desert pudding. Did I find my Joy today yes I did My daughter who lives in another state got her birthday gift I sent her today, and she called and thanked me. The gift I sent her was Her baby blanket that my grandma made her. My daughter was my grandmas first great grandchild, and my daughter always called it her great grandma blanket I have saved it for over 32 years well my daughter wont be happy but its her 32 birthday she thinks she is old I hope she doesn't read this. We just lost grandma jan of 2009 she was 94 years old. It was an awful awful loss for me she was smart and pretty. and lived on her own in tell she passed she was truly a lady and any thing good I got out of my child hood came from her and her love. So I found Joy today in knowing my daughter got to know my grandma and love her as much as I did and my daughters daughter got to know her great great grandma My granddaughter who is now 15 will always remember her great great grandma she will tell you she made GREAT OAT MEAL.. So in stead of tears being shed over the loss of this wonderful women I got a huge smile when my daughter called and said Thank you mom for my great grandma blanket.
It was hard to let that blanket leave my hands but it was not mine to keep. I know in my heart my grandma found Joy in that to where ever she is.